Kathy Smith Hill has been a talented hair stylist since she was a young girl. To her clients, she may just appear to be the person behind the sheers creating their newest hairstyle. Kathy is a selfless caregiver to her horses, dogs, children, and husband.

Kara Kimball works many hours waitressing in order to bring in extra money for her and her newlywed husband. Is she just the girl who writes down your sushi order? Kara is graduating from Brigham Young University, becoming a Child Life Specialist. She will enhance many terminal children's lives during their stay in hospitals; giving them hope and comfort.

Jaycob Brugman learned from his older sister to play the piano. In high school, he specialized in wheel throwing and was in the schools ceramics club. He's not just talented in the creative field; Jaycob was drafted out of high school by the Yankees, recruited by Brigham Young University, becoming the 2011 Freshmen All-American. Through years of determination and countless endurance, Jaycob is on his way to play major legue baseball.

As an Attorney, Richard Hill is frequently nested under the stiff lawyer type of person. Looking further, his genuine heart voids all pre-dispositions. Viewing him in his work setting, you would never guess that he has been battling Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma Cancer for the past four years. At one point, he was given a 2% chance of survival. By replacing fear with faith, his endurance has keep him alive. During long conference calls with clients, Rich is in the hospital receiving treatments to save his life.

Russell (RJ) Gale plays a special role as a husband and grandfather with a new-found love for whittling. His carving skills intrigue many, but inside, Russ has experience more then most could dream of. Lying about his age as a young boy, he enlisted in the army and was soon trained as a Green Beret military officer. His battle scars entail bullet hole, a mark from where parachuting into a tree caused a branch to puncture through his leg and various others. Parachuting into endangered foreign countries with a mission that lacked any further help from our country, Russ has sacrificed his life numerous times. He has served his family; he has served his Nation; he has served his Lord.